Love Exactly Announcement

Love Exactly is my best selling novel, it gave me the ability to say I was an Amazon Best Seller, and it’s still the book that is sold the most every month–even over my newest releases. This novel gave me … Continue reading

My Author Ethics

DisclosuresAs a published author it is important to acknowledge that certain ethics come with the job. I pride myself in being professional with a high level of honestly, integrity and passion. I write many of my blog posts from my experience in the publishing and sales world. My publishing background has evolved from my original journey as a self-published author in 2012 to an Indie Amazon Bestseller as of today. My sales background includes ten years in sales, seven of which have been spent in the financial industry, including six years experience as a supervisor and top selling agent for the institution I worked for. I am currently a Retail Banking Operations Manager and Project Manager who develops Sales Campaigns, Initiatives and Training programs for the bank, along with numerous duties involving maintenance of 220+ procedures (writing, editing, creating and monitoring) and marketing projects. I am also studying to receive my degree in Marketing and plan on pursuing a second degree in Graphic Design.

BLOG reviewsAs a published author, my reading has taken a significant hit because of time restrictions, but also ethical issues. It’s much easier to write a review when you aren’t an author. When you are, any criticism is not taken kindly. That being said I would like to disclose the following as my strict policies for reviewing:

  1. I never accept review copies from other authors. If asked I will politely decline and advise that I will look at the book description, and if interested, I will purchase the book and review it in my own time.
  2. I will no longer post reviews of Self-Published or Independent Authors that are three stars and under. I will rate the novel as is such on Goodreads, and post that the author may contact me for a full review if they are interested. I will not rate novels under three stars of authors I personally know or have an acquaintance with. This creates a blackmail situation in which I do not wish to be involved.
  3. I will follow the following format when reviewing novels:
  • Star Ratings can and may have 1/2 Stars
  • Each Review will include an Overall Star Rating
  • Each Review will be broken down into the following individual Star Ratings with explanations for the ratings:

-Book Description: 1-5 Stars; 5 being the best

-Cover: 1-5 Stars; 5 being the best

-Plot: 1-5 Stars; 5 being the best

-Creativity: 1-5 Stars; 5 being the best

-Grammar: 1-5 Stars; 5 being error free (this will NEVER happen, not even with major pubbed books)

-Simile Use: 1-5 Stars; 5 stars being the best, meaning no similes were used. 1 meaning similes were used in excess and pulled me out of the novel.

-Description: 1-5 Stars; 5 being the best

-Show Not Tell: 1-5 Stars; 5 being the best- dialogue driven without excessive and obtrusive description

Additionally, please keep the following in mind for reviews of my novels:

  1. I do not respond to negative reviews of my own novels, but I may, at my discretion, respond to positive reviews.
  2. I never pay for reviews.
  3. I do directly contact bloggers to request reviews.
  4. I will never ask a reviewer to not post a review because it doesn’t show my novel in the best light. That is their right. If they are a part of the blog tour for the release of the novel that is hosted by myself and or my publisher, I will state that I prefer the review not be posted as a part of the tour–but I do not require/condemn it.
  5. You can contact me if you would like to review any of my novels via Goodreads messaging.
  6. I may share good reviews on Social Media, but will not concentrate on them.
  7. I hold the right to not read each and every review that is written for my novels.
  8. I disclose that I do not read reviews of my novel that are personal attacks (yes, these do happen).
  9. I disclose that I do not tend to read reviews that are 2 stars or under.
  10. I respect a reviewers opinion. I acknowledge that my writing style is not for everyone.
  11. Don’t be surprised if I like a JPEG you created for your review and ask if I can use it in marketing materials, but I will always ask permission and give credit on the materials to your blog or you.
  12. I save all fan art to my Pintrest board.

ARCAny reviews posted before the release date of my novels will be of UNEDITED Advance Reader Copies (hence referred to as ARCs). An ARC is an unedited Galley that is distributed by myself and my publisher before the publication date to solicit early reviewers; this includes both electronic and paperback additions. The novel is disclosed as an ARC with with words “Unedited Advance Reader Copy” on the electronic or paperback cover. The following disclosure is issued to each receiver of the ARC from myself and my publisher:

This is an UNEDITED Advance Reader Copy that will contain grammar and syntax errors. The final version of this novel may appear slightly different in content, but plot and characters will remain the same.

E-ARCS will additionally have the following disclosure:

This novel is a review copy for your use and your use only. This file is not to be shared, forwarded, or otherwise misused under copyright law.

The paperback versions will be used for promotional purposes and will also include the word “PROOF” on the back page. This will never be sold for a profit. Additional information and format changes may occur before the final version is released.

In addition to being used to solicit early reviewers, the electronic version will be utilized as a gift to those that participate in Promotional Events before the release date of the novel, including, but not limited to, cover reveals. If you participate in a Promotional Event and are given an E-ARC, reviews are welcome, but not required.

Reviewers are asked to take into account that any copies (ARCs) given before the publishing date contain such errors.

Feature FridayI do cross promote other authors on my blog. This doesn’t necessarily mean I have read their work, but I do believe in assisting other authors in their goals. I reserve Fridays as promotional days for other authors, but may participate in tours on other days if they cannot or do not fall on a Friday. My release dates (including cover reveals) do fall on Fridays, and I will promote my own novel on Feature Fridays. Feature Friday is open to authors to approach myself for interviews, cover reveals, or other promotional items with the exception of reviews (see the above review policy).

BLOG ratingPG-18

While I have published Young Adult novels, and write/illustrate Children’s Novels, this blog will be utilized to promote my New Adult novel and other novels in the genre. Thus, the rating is PG-18 due to slight to moderate sexual content and language that may be contained in Excerpts or Teasers.

WIP: Flawed Perfection Book Trailer

2 wip wednesdayI must say I am super proud of myself this week. It’s my vacation, by which I mean, it’s my time to just concentrate on getting this new book done right! So after seeing a post Ruth Silver did on Animoto, I got my butt over to their website to check out how I could make a book trailer for Flawed Perfection. I did trailers for In Between Seasons and Walking in the Shadows, but when it came to Love Exactly I’d run out of music options from my husband, and the amount of work times the amount of people who viewed the trailer didn’t seem to add up. I’ve seen some book trailers that were just…well…scary. They were either too short to peak my interest, or too long that I got bored. When I saw Ruth’s post on Book Trailers, I thought it might be time to take a second look, especially after she said it was as simple as getting your pictures together and dropping them in. Then she said it was free! I looked over Animoto and opted to go for their monthly version which costs $5.00 so that I could have enough time to really get the reader hooked, but not too long that they got bored. Animoto is great because it instantly customizes a video to your specifications and selects music for you. Now, you have a choice of thousands of prebuilt templates and music, but the music that came with the template I fell in love with matched perfectly so I didn’t have to do much searching there. I also liked how Animoto has some free photographs you can use, along with free motion videos to add in. I opted to use my own photographs and ones from public domain, and one motion video. This took me about 20 minutes to do all together, and I love it! I’m hoping the readers will too! Without further ado, here is the book trailer for Flawed Perfection (Beautifully Flawed, #1)

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Book Valentines!

Displaying Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014.jpg

The 3rd annual Blogger Love-a-Thon has officially began!

The Mini-Challenge I will be participating in today is the Mash Up Challenge! This is where we talk about some combined loves–like, for me, music and books! I’m going to share my go to writing playlist and favorite music videos of all time!

Now, you are all pretty aware that I’m a metal-screamo-heavy screamin-hot rockers kind of girl. This mix-up has everything from the heavy stuff that made my dad buy earplugs to the slightly squeaky squeals that make my husband’s heavy metal heart turn over (in agony–hey, we can’t agree on everything!)

  1. Sleeping with Sirens – Congratulations
  2. Bring Me the Horizon – Can You Feel My Heart
  3. Bring Me the Horizon – Shadow Moses
  4. Of Mice & Men – The Depths
  5. Sleeping with Sirens – Alone
  6. Of Mice & Men – Blame It
  7. Asking Alexandria – Right Now (Na Na Na)
  8. Sleeping with Sirens – If You Can’t Hold On
  9. Crown the Empire – Payphone
  10. Issues – Boyfriend
  11. Tyler Carter- Mirrors (Cover)
  12. Bring Me the Horizon – Go To Hell, for Heaven’s Sake
  13. 10 Years- Minus the Machine
  14. Woe is Me – Vengence
  15. Blessthefall – What’s Left of Me
  16. 32 Leaves – All is Numb
  17. Sting – Fortress Around Your Heart
  18. Maroon 5 – Payphone
  19. Choidos – Notes in Constellations
  20. Issues – Love Sex Riot

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Twitter Party!

Displaying Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014.jpg

The 3rd annual Blogger Love-a-Thon has officially began! Don’t forget to take part in the awesome Twitter party! #Loveathon

8-9 P.M. EST

Twitter chat/party: Come help us say farewell to the 2014 Love-A-Thon with a blogging, bookish, awesomesauce Twitter Chat with our moderator of the evening, Katelyn (@KatelynTorrey), co-host Alexa (@alexalovesbooks), and all the #LoveAThon-ers! For our last Twitter chat of the event we will be reflecting on the Love-A-Thon, what we liked, what we didn’t, what we had the most fun doing, etc.! And who are we kidding, there will be a few giveaways involved too! Be sure to follow and use the #LoveAThon hashtag to participate!

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Awards!

Displaying Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014.jpg

The 3rd annual Blogger Love-a-Thon has officially began!

Are you ready for the #LoveAthon Awards?

Best of the best of Bloggers! Here are my nominations:

Best Blog Design: The Book Bellas

Best Weekly Feature: That’s What He Said Thursday @chapterbreak

Best Discussion Posts: Closed The Cover

Friendliest Blogger: Danielle Young from Consuming Worlds

Most Helpful Reviews: Breathe in Books

Favorite Author Twitter Feed: @NikGodwin

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon!

Displaying Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014.jpg

The 3rd annual Blogger Love-a-Thon has officially began!

Our first event of the day is an interview! Be sure to check out all the blogs involved and tweet us using hastag #LoveAThon! Through out the two days there will be great giveaways and fun posts–stay tuned!

1. How did you come up with your blog name?

It’s not really all that creative…It’s my name with author attached!

2. What genre/subject matter do you read and review most on your blog?

I read a lot of Young Adult and a little bit of New Adult. Other than that it’s a real mix, but I love anything with a bit of romance to it!

3. Name the 3 books you’re excited for in 2014!

Promise Me Forever by Sarah Ashley Jones

Everlasting by Candace Knoebel

Casted–Book 2 By Sonya Loveday

4. Where in the world are you blogging from?


5. Tell us — how did you get into blogging in the first place?

As a writer it was imperative that I start a website and a blog, but then it’s also good as an author to support other authors. A blog is the perfect way to do that!

6. Apart from reading, what other hobbies/interests do you have?

I’m a photographer, graphic designer, sewer, knitter, painter, jewelry maker…among author things!

7. If you were stuck on a deserted island, which books would you bring with you?

Everything by Jane Austen

8. If you were stuck in some dangerous situation (like a fire, a sinking ship, a warzone), which book boy or girl would you want to come and save you?

Hunter from In Between Seasons…he kills people with his bare hands!

9. You’re attending a party with your friends. Suddenly, the DJ changes the song and it’s YOUR song – what song would that be?

Right now? Boyfriend (cover) by Issues

10. What 3 movies would you love to have your favorite author write into books, or vice versa?

I’m not a real fan of any of the movies out there right now, and it seems like most of them are from books anyways. All my favorite books are already movies, but I’d love to see any of my fellow Indies have their novels made into movies!

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Twitter Party!

Displaying Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014.jpg

The 3rd annual Blogger Love-a-Thon has officially began! Don’t forget to take part in the awesome Twitter party! #Loveathon

8-9 P.M. EST

Twitter chat/party:Come hang out with our moderator of the night, Alexa (@alexalovesbooks), co-host, Katelyn (@KatelynTorrey), and all of the #LoveAThon-ers for a party on Twitter! For our first Twitter chat of the event we will be discussing blogging, books, all-things-nerdish, and everything else in between! There is also a good chance a giveaway (or a few!) will be involved so be sure to follow and use the #LoveAThon hashtag to participate!

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Mad Libs!

Displaying Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014.jpg

The 3rd annual Blogger Love-a-Thon has officially began!

The Second Mini-Challenge I will be participating in today is the Mad Libs Challenge! #Loveathon

One day, I was wandering with Hunter. Out of the blue, a bird came out of nowhere! It was so cute, cuddly and agressive. At first, we were afraid, we were petrified, but we survived. We hopped on train to make our getaway. 


As we escaped, we turned up the radio because Love, Sex, Riot came on and made me giggle. Everything was extremely smooth sailing until an octopus appeared in the middle of the road. We swerved to avoid it, but while Hunter stayed on train, I got thrown onto my side in the woods.


I couldn’t get up, and felt sickly as I lay there staring up at the trees. What was I going to do? I heard a growl among the leaves, and felt sad. Surely, this was going to be my end. As my eyes fluttered shut, the last thing I saw was a head of purple hair and ivory eyes.


When I woke up again, I was on a coffee table. My body hurt a whole lot less, and I could sit up. There was a camera and penguin in the room, along with burgers and vodka. The door suddenly opened to reveal Adam, a concerned look on his face. I blushed and averted my gaze, but he kneeled and said, “Don’t be shy. It’s okay.”


He came over to sit by me, and we started talking after I told him my name. We chatted about photography,knitting and pole dancing and realized we had a ton in common! I thought he was jackass and couldn’t help feeling a little swoony. 


Just as he reached out for my hand, the door crashed open and in came Evan Levesque. “Don’t let him charm you away, my love!” He yelled, running at Adam. They each had blender in their hands and began to fight. “Stop!”, I yelled, feeling so overjoyed. They didn’t listen to me. Before I could intervene, Adam fell to the floor and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


“What was that?” I asked, staring at the empty space. Evan Levesque dropped his weapon, and came over to me. “Magic, but you are safe now, Duckie.” He hugged me close, and I suddenly knew that this was the real deal and not just a dream.


Just as Mirrors started playing in my head, I woke up. I cursed my nasty luck. Why had it only been just a dream?


Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Book Valentines!

Displaying Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014.jpg

The 3rd annual Blogger Love-a-Thon has officially began!

The Mini-Challenge I will be participating in today is the Book Valentine challenge. Now, for this challenge I’m supposed to write a love letter to my book boyfriend–but (sorry hostesses) I’m thinking it wouldn’t be fair because, well, I write my book boyfriends. So this is my spin on it–I’m going to write a valentine to YOU–my readers, fans and those fabulous bloggers out there!

love letter