In Between Seasons to be Pulled

Amazon Bestselling Young Adult Dystopian Romance

Amazon Bestselling Young Adult Dystopian Romance

Yes, you read the title correctly, my Amazon bestseller, In Between Seasons will be pulled from shelves shortly. In Between Seasons has enjoyed several months within the top 100 ranking of Amazon’s Free Dystopian Young Adult Novels, even reaching the top 10 for several weeks in a row.

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I am proud to announce that it is being pulled because of good news. The publishing house for several of my other novels, Show n’ot Tell Publishing, has decided to go ahead and publish In Between Seasons after it is completely overhauled. Despite the bestsellerdom the novel has acquired, Show n’ot Tell did not feel it’s original format properly represented my current writing skill, and therefore, did not pick the novel up when they chose to publish my other three novels. In truth, I completely agree. I’ve never been happy with the way the novel was published, and I only have myself to blame for that. I wouldn’t take back the choice to publish it as I did though, because it helped me to enter the publishing world, got me used to review abuse, but I knew it wasn’t completely me. It taught me to listen to my own writing muse, and not to listen to those books that say they can get your book damn near perfect. The only way a book can be perfect is if you follow your gut, and you don’t listen to someone’s advice for what they feel is the correct way to write. So much of the valuation of writing is opinion based, and I’ve learned through the years that those opinions are usually just that, opinions. It’s far more important to stay true to who you are as an author. I didn’t do that with In Between Seasons. I tried too hard to push it into the genre that was currently selling, Young Adult, and when I did that, along with listening to some poor advice, I left the novel a shell of a story. I still love that story, and now I feel I can truly do it justice. That being said, the book can no longer be categorized as Young Adult, as it no longer will be. The novel will be marketed as New Adult/Adult, remaining in the genre Post-Apocalyptic/Dystopian Romance. My aim is to do my characters justice, ingrain my style into it as I should have, and fill in any ‘potential’ plot holes others may have thought they saw. You will learn a bit more about Kate and Hunter, and you will be able to better understand the world they live in–to the same extent they do. There will still be readers disappointed in this, because although this is a dystopian novel, the world building is not obtuse. It doesn’t need to be, because the world is based on the world we live in now. It’s meant to be realistic, and to that degree, frightening because of the fact that it could very well happen. Along with the contents getting an overhaul, the cover has been redone, and the description will also see an overhaul. The books central points will remain the same, but the shell will be fully completed into a robust tale of love, deception and the toll of following a leader blindly. The core of this novel is to examine human nature, and our ability to believe lies–or not believe them, and how this shapes us as human beings. It explores deep matters, such a s murder, and what that does to a human’s soul–can a person still have a soul when they’ve done so many bad things? And can we cleanse our souls of such evils?

Summer 2014 can’t come fast enough, can it?

I look forward to the release and the continued support of my fans.


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